My not scientific but lived advice for building a more solid relationship

Buy or make a favorite meal of hers’ at least every two weeks
It is especially “big” when the meal is one which you do not particularly love. I would not however buy or cook a meal which I hate. Balance and small comforts are the goal here.

Ask about his day and genuinely listen and ask appropriate follow-up questions
Everyone has frustrations at work. Take an interest; I want to know what happens at my husband’s workplace so frustrations do not is built. He gets time to express his feelings and organize his thoughts. It takes two minutes on a regular day, maybe ten minutes if something is happening.

DO NOT take them for granted
She is not your maid, he is not your cook, she is not a paycheck, he is not a chauffeur, etc. Tell him that you appreciate the underwear being folded. Tell her thanks for picking up milk. You are a team, never let them forget!
Act fifteen percent more jealous than you are. Regularly state how you will kill, maim, seek revenge, or dispose of rivals. Vigilance keeps trollops away.

Touch your partner
Hold his hand. Hug her randomly. Rub his back. Sleep with a hand touching her. Touch is calming and reassuring; most people relax when they are physically connected to a loved one.
Please do not sprawl or hang allover your partner in public – this is gross for the rest of us!

I feel that friendship and understanding are the traits on which solid partnerships are built. A solid, fulfilling relationship is thinking of and caring about your partner, day in and day out while doing laundry, paying bills, and buying enough coffee. I know in my bones that my husband has my wellbeing and plans for our future floating around in his noggin on the daily. I cherish my husband and he will know it!

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